With Spring officially here, the warm weather is slowly emerging. Although it may be time to roll out your BBQ and pool gear, it’s also time to start storing away your winter equipment for the summer. Here are the top tips on properly storing your winter equipment. These tips will minimize damage throughout the warmer months.
Snowmobile and Snowblower Storage
The first to go into storage should be your motorized tools and winter equipment such as snowmobiles and snowblowers. Since they are engine-powered, they are the important to keep in shape. Since you won’t be seeing any of these tools until the snow starts falling again, it’s vital that you fully remove all gas from this equipment. However, when removing the gas, you can siphon it straight to your lawn mower to help keep your lawn in good shape during the summer. If you don’t plan to use the gasoline from your winter tools, it’s recommended to store it with gasoline stabilizer so it’s ready for use the following winter.
When removing the spark plug, make sure you keep it in a safe place and wrap it in a clean towel and plastic bag to prevent rust. Also, when you remove the plug, be sure to add oil to the pistons to prevent any corrosion during the summer months. Remember to plug the open hole with a paper towel to prevent debris from getting into the engine.
When storing away your motorized tools during the summer, don’t forget to cover them for protection. You could use a tarp and bungee cords to help protect for them for the next few months. This way, there won’t be any extreme damage to them when you go back to using them in the winter.
Shovels are among the easiest to store. Before placing them in storage, make sure you inspect them and hang them in your garage or storage unit. If you notice any rusted parts, be sure to either replace the parts, or get a new shovel altogether. Remember, spring is the best time to get new winter gear since stores usually have them on sale during the summer months.
Salt or sand can be stored in a five-gallon bucket in your garage or storage unit. However, before you place it into storage, make sure you remove the salt from items you use to disperse the salt on your property. If salt is present, it will corrode the equipment throughout the summer. It’s also important to remember to seal the bucket to prevent any moisture from getting in, otherwise, it will turn into a solid block which will be useless for the winter.
Winter Clothing
You will also need to prepare your winter clothing for storage. Be sure to wash everything before packing it up. Clean your boots and waterproof them if necessary. Hats, scarves, and gloves should be placed in plastic storage bags. Any other piece of winter clothing should not be hung, but rather folded and placed in storage boxes or bags.
Skiing Gear
Are you an avid winter sports enthusiast? If so you will need to store your equipment carefully in order to properly maintain them and ensure their use for years to come.
Skis: Your skis will require special attention before you can pack them away for the summer. After you last use them, scrape and brush the bases of your skis and then freshly apply a thick coat of hot wax. Then strap your skis together with a Voile strap. Wrap the strap around the part where the skis naturally meet. This will prevent them from getting damaged while in storage. However, don’t store them in a bag as any leftover moisture in it can cause them to rust. Try to use a climate controlled storage unit to store them in.
Ski Boots: Your ski boots also require special maintenance. Before you do anything else, dry the liners of your boots. This will prevent any bacteria or fungus from growing while your boots are in storage and lengthen their life. You can use a boot dryer or simply remove the liners and allow them to air dry. You should also make sure your boots are buckled when they are in storage. If you leave them unbuckled, they can lose their shape. Simply clasp and buckle them on the loosest setting.
It is crucial to prepare your winter equipment before you pack them away in storage for the season. This way, you will not need to waste any time maintaining your equipment when the winter season rolls around again.
If you do need your motorized equipment fixed or prepared for the summer, contact us at Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service and Repair.