As a resident of Washoe County, you are well aware of the seasonal, weather extremes so true to our area. From the biting winter temperatures to the dry, scorching heat of summer, these polar opposites can wreak havoc on the equipment used to maintain businesses. As far as small engine repair in Sparks go, Greg's provides a comprehensive list of services and small motor repairs in order to ensure all equipment keeps working at its premium level.
First among the reasons why you should choose Greg's is the fact that we are mobile. If you are located in the Sparks area, Wingfield Springs, or even Spanish Springs, while lovely, is sometimes a bit of a trek to get to a company that can provide equipment repair. Having to navigate Sparks, Vista, or Pyramid can be frustrating and time consuming at best. Even without a cumbersome piece of machinery in tow, these routes are vexing.
Not blind to these factors, Greg's has built into our core business values flexibility, accessibility, and superior knowledge of small engine equipment. As a direct result, we are prepared to send knowledgeable technicians to your location to pick up your equipment as a way to alleviate the struggle of transporting whatever device needs repair. Convenience to our clients is paramount to our business to save you time.
Customers can also rest easy knowing they are in the capable hands of a locally owned and operated business. The company is the fruit of local Greg Tenbroeck's efforts and cultivation. There is a quality and attention to detail innate in personally owned companies. This fact is very true for Greg's as he pushed it to be above the industry standard of excellence. Also, being a local company, allows Greg's to have our hand on the pulse of equipment needs as it relates to the region.
At Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service and Repair, we provide a comprehensive list of services. These include, but are not limited to:
Because the full spectrum of services is critical the company, we always encourage people to call and speak to one of our representatives about an issue. On the rare occasion that we can't do the job, we are more than happy to point people in the direction of a company that can.
Additionally, it is imperative that winter equipment be properly prepped and stored during summer months and vice versa. Our technicians can help maintain machines through harsh seasons while in storage so that they are ready to go when their season arrives. They can also prep them for extended disuse. Often times the best way to get the longevity of life out of a piece of equipment is to have a maintenance schedule dialed in. Doing this prevents potentially large, more expensive repairs.
We are prepared to address many different types of machines, however, we do specialize in specific products. Those are:
The list of brands we accommodate is extensive. It ranges from Ariens to John Deere and Poulan to Toro. We are prepared to diagnose and evaluate every project as they roll in. This is an effort to provide our stellar services to as many people and as much equipment as possible. We have experience in almost every make and model of small engine equipment on the market.
For businesses seeking a company with comprehensive services and the skill set to fulfill almost any request, you need look no further than Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair and Service Repair. Don't hesitate to contact us and see why we are the best small engine repair in Sparks. We love this area and the people in it and want to do everything in our power to give businesses the comfort of expert service.