At Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service & Repair we are often asked about how often Lawn Mower cutting Blades should be sharpened. Under normal use you should sharpen and balance your Lawn Mower cutting Blade every year. If Lawn Mower cutting Blades are severely nicked or gouged from hitting rocks and other hard objects, they should be inspected to determine if sharpening and balancing is sensible. Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service & Repair automatically sharpens blades as part of our standard Lawn Mower Service.
Sharp Lawn Mower Blades Help Maintain a Healthy Lawn
A sharp Lawn Mower Blade cuts grass clean so that grass recovers quickly and is a key aspect of a healthy looking green lawn.
A Sharp Blade Promotes Motor Longevity
A worn unbalanced Lawn Mower Blade creates vibration in the Motor Crank Shaft causing excessive engine wear. The inefficiencies created by a dull, damaged and or unbalanced Lawn Mower Cutting Blade cause the Lawn Mower Motor to work harder than it needs and may result in Motor overheating and or premature engine damage.
Severely Worn or Lawn Mower Blades Are A Safety Risk
Damaged and or Cracked Lawn Mower Blades can fragment throwing potentially dangerous metal pieces at high rates of speed.
If you are looking for Lawn Mower Service and Repair in Reno, Sparks, Truckee, Lake Tahoe or Northern Nevada, contact Greg’s Small Engine Service & Repair online or call us today: 602-503-8171 or 530-307-1132