Ethanol Gas Wreaks Havoc on Small Engines.

Carburetor Damage From Ethanol Gas First Hand

April 10, 2015

At Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service & Repair we are constantly talking to residential and commercial clients regarding their concerns about the damaging effects of Ethanol gas on their Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Portable Generators, Chipper Shredders, Rototillers, Pressure Washers and all other gasoline Small Engine Power Equipment.

Up Close Ethanol Carburetor Bowl Damage

the effects of Ethanol Damage and contaminate deposits in the Carburetor Bowl on the left versus a normal Carburetor Bowl on the right.

The effects of Ethanol Damage and contaminate deposits in the Carburetor Bowl on the left versus a normal Carburetor Bowl on the right.

Corrosion Buildup in the Carburetor Bowl

Ethanol gas causes fuel to absorb water.  The result of water moisture in your fuel system slowly corrodes and deteriorates the metal parts of the Carburetor and Fuel tank.  The white crusty particles clog the carburetor Jets leading to poor Small Engine Motor performance. Ethanol gas is particularly detrimental to the fuel lines and plastic parts in the carburetor.

Gummy Varnish Carburetor Deposits


Stale Ethanol gas degrades over time leaving gummy deposits that adhere to the Carburetor parts and cause the Carburetor to stop transferring fuel efficiently to the combustion chamber.

Small Engine Power Equipment that is hard to start or runs poorly may need Carburetor service.  Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair Service & Repair will Pick-Up & Deliver your Small Engine Power Equipment and do the trouble shooting for you.