5 Pressure Washer Mistakes That Can Cost You

You were thorough and meticulous in searching for a pressure washer that would fill all your needs but never took into account the thought of pressure washer repair. Don’t worry because you are not alone. The big box home supply store might have given you a great price during their Labor Day red tag sale but that salesman didn’t give you any maintenance advice. Here are a few key tips that might save you some heartache and cash down the road, hopefully delaying your need for pressure washer repair.

Start It Up

pressure washer repair center | Ricardo S Lawn Mower Repair LLC Like many of your power tools, you don’t need them too often but you’re sure glad they are there when you do. Just like a lot of those other tools, however, a pressure washer needs some attention between jobs. Rather than letting it sit in the corner of the garage collecting dust all winter, remember to start it up every few weeks.

A Little TLC Between Jobs

Like all internal combustion engines, general maintenance items should always be kept in mind. Checking the oil, spark plug and changing the filters can delay the need for pressure washer repair and a trip to a pressure washer repair center.

Check That Gas

Just as important, never try to run your pressure washer on old gas that’s been sitting in the fuel tank for years. There’s no faster way to destroy the engine by running on old, separated gasoline and needlessly creating the need for an expert in pressure washer repair.

Just doing these few things between jobs can minimize the need for small engine repair and a trip to your pressure washer repair center. To summarize these tips:

  • Check and change the oil regularly
  • Change the filters as needed
  • Never run on old gasoline

Find A Pressure Washer Repair Center When Needed

Maybe you are decent with a wrench but don’t feel comfortable handling this maintenance yourself. Or maybe you are the handiest person in the world but simply lack the time to devote to it. Either way, you’ll probably be able to avoid major pressure washer repair with occasional trips to a pressure washer service center. So if you don’t know how to fix a pressure washer that won’t start, don’t take matters into your own hands. However, if you do neglect your washer to the point where it doesn’t run or tried to fix it yourself but did more harm than good, take it to experts in pressure washer repair like Greg’s Small Engine Service and Repair to get it running again.

Water: Friend and Foe

pressure washer maintenance Ricardo S Lawn Mower RepairOf course, the whole point of owning a pressure washer is to use the power of pressurized water to clean, sweep and strip dirt, age and grime from your house, car, concrete, furniture or just about anything else you can place in front of it. Using the pressure washer and water correctly for any given job is important in getting the most out of your washer. Always use the appropriate tip for each job. A needle point nozzle, when used carefully, is great for clearing out old grout lines from tile and masonry. However, if you start to daydream with that needle nose pointed at your driveway, you could very likely end up with a hole in the concrete.

In other words, always use nozzles and spray techniques that are appropriate to the job at hand and your pressure washer will quickly become indispensable to you and your weekend jobs. In fact, it might even help you retrieve the kite that’s been stuck on your roof most of the summer.

Also, when using your pressure washer, there are a few things to look out for if it’s not pumping water like it used to. Always make sure there is sufficient water pressure from the attached hose into the washer’s inlet. Also, different valves, filters or even air in the system can prevent the pressure washer from performing as it should. If all of these seem fine but it still won’t perform well, taking it to an expert for possible pressure washer pump repair might be in order. Pressure washer repair from a reputable pressure washer service center would be in order if issues with the pump arise.

Treat it well, use it wisely and a pressure washer can be one of your best friends. However, when issues come up and pressure washer repair is in order, Greg’s Small Engine Service and Repair will treat you and your washer with the expertise, fairness and service you both deserve.

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